A criminal charge can be the scariest experience of your life- you’re facing the possibility of having your liberty and livelihood taken from you. This is a difficult moment, and you want to handle it correctly. You’ve been charged with a crime and you’re understandably scared. Should you take a plea offer? Should you try to bargain? What should you do?
This is the reality those charged with a crime face. It’s a stressful, confusing time, especially if you have no prior experience with the legal system. Making the right decisions is crucial if you are to protect yourself.
The most important decision is choosing your criminal defense lawyer. We’re confident that a careful consideration of the relevant factors will lead you to Bill Nettles and his decades of experience with the criminal justice system.
If you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer in or around Columbia or any other South Carolina community, please call the Law Office of Bill Nettles at 803-814-2826 for a free consultation.
What to Consider
It can be difficult to choose a criminal defense lawyer. After all, how should you even make that decision? It’s especially difficult if you’ve never had to make that choice before.
Here are the factors to keep in mind when choosing a lawyer:
- Experience: There is a world of difference between the theory of law and its practice. There is absolutely no substitute for real-world experience in a courtroom and a negotiating room. When you are facing the awesome power of the government, you want an experienced, seasoned, creative lawyer seated next to you to guide you
- Relevant Experience: On a related note, it’s absolutely crucial you ensure your experienced criminal defense lawyer has the right experience. An attorney can have decades of experience handling drug cases, for example, and have relatively little experience dealing with white collar or public corruption cases.
- Reputation: Much of what happens during a criminal case happens before trial. Plea bargain offers are extended and countered. Your criminal defense lawyer is the person charged with protecting you and your interests, which means you need an attorney with a reputation for toughness and skill.
Mr. Nettles has decades of experience in criminal law as both a defense attorney and a federal prosecutor. He has handled a wide range of case types and he has done so successfully.
Mr. Nettles will not be intimidated and he will not allow your rights to be ignored. He will fight for you at every step of the process, ensuring that you receive the defense to which you are entitled. He has made a career fighting for the rights of those who stand accused
If you’re facing charges in Columbia, Charleston, Greenville or anywhere else in South Carolina and you know you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer, please call the Law Office of Bill Nettles at 803-814-2826 for a free consultation. While our office is located in Columbia, we help clients from across the state.