Retaliation is always a constant threat when a person considers coming forward as a whistleblower. This is despite the fact that retaliating against any employee who speaks out violates federal law.
If you have suffered retaliation because of your acting as a whistleblower or cooperating with a federal investigation, you have rights under the law. This includes the ability to pursue a private lawsuit that seeks out an appropriate remedy.
A Charleston whistleblower retaliation lawyer may be able to help you to pursue these lawsuits. They could stand by your side to explain your legal rights, determine whether retaliation has occurred, and demand proper compensation in and out of court.
Federal laws say that any private citizen has the right and ability to come forward as a whistleblower. In many instances, this involves employees speaking out about things that they have witnessed in the workplace. When this is the case, a collection of federal laws prohibit retaliation against these workers by their employers. A clear example is 26 U.S.C. § 7623(d) that outlaws an employer from taking any retaliatory measure against a worker that reports a tax violation.
This retaliation may come in many forms. The law prohibits firing an employee as the result of blowing the whistle. However, it can also cover transfers, harassment, a reduction in pay or hours, or a reduction in benefits. A Charleston whistleblower retaliation attorney could provide more information about the concept of retaliation and help individuals to determine if their experience fits the appropriate legal definition.
There is no doubt that retaliation is against the law when an employer takes steps to punish an employee. However, the possible remedies after this occurs are less obvious. In most situations, affected workers have a private cause of action to seek remedies in a United States District Court. These cases can demand reinstatement at a job, the receipt of back pay, and attorney’s fees.
It may also be helpful to report the retaliation to the relevant investigatory agency. This may not result in any direct compensation, but it could lead to the company facing further penalties.
Pursuing a lawsuit is one of the main ways in which a Charleston whistleblower retaliation lawyer may be able to help. They could take the lead in determining whether retaliation has occurred, measuring how it has affected a person’s time at work, and seeking out appropriate remedies.
All people have the right and ability to serve as a whistleblower if they believe that they have witnessed a violation of federal law. This most often applies to violations of financial laws that involve the finances of the federal government. To this end, the government incentivizes people to come forward with the ability to claim a reward.
Despite laws that prohibit retaliation, it is possible that you have experienced retaliation in the workplace in the form of transfer, demotion, or termination. A Charleston whistleblower retaliation lawyer wants to help you to set things right. This can include investigating whether retaliation has occurred, measuring its impact on your life, and demanding appropriate remedies in settlement talks or in court. Schedule a consultation today.