The cost of bringing new medications to the market can be staggering. From formulating the drug to testing it, many companies would not be able to complete this process without the support of federal funds. While the government often provides money for these efforts to ensure the public has access to the best possible care, the reality is that these funds are frequently misappropriated.

If you have evidence of fraud from your time working in the drug industry, a skilled whistleblower attorney could help you recover a monetary award if you cooperate with the government. Through a qui tam lawsuit, a Columbia pharmaceutical industry whistleblower lawyer could help you pursue a portion of any financial penalty handed down through the information you provide.

Government Funds and the Pharmaceutical Industry

Pharmaceutical fraud might sound like an issue between private companies and their investors, but in reality, the government provides substantial funding for drug research. These subsidies occur early on in the development of new medication. The cost of development is high, and some companies are only able to proceed with critical research and testing with an infusion of cash from the federal government.

However, these funds have strings attached. Drug companies must comply with various regulations and are limited in how they can use the money. Violating these rules is a crime that can result in enormous penalties and even prison time.

Unfortunately, fraud at this level is difficult to detect, and the government typically focuses its energy on other aspects of regulation. When insiders have detailed information about pharmaceutical fraud, a whistleblower attorney in Columbia could help them secure a financial award after cooperating with government investigators.

What is the False Claims Act?

Thanks to the False Claims Act, whistleblowers can secure a financial award by turning over evidence of fraud to investigators. This federal law empowers private citizens to file a qui tam lawsuit, which provides them with grounds for compensation and leads to a conviction.

Under the False Claims Act, money is only available under specific circumstances. The information provided to the government has to be new, meaning no one else has already submitted the same tip. It must also lead to a conviction or administrative action. If all of these elements are met, the whistleblower could be entitled to between 15 and 25 percent of any fines or penalties recovered from the perpetrator.

Some individuals will never be eligible to file a qui tam action, no matter how strong the evidence of fraud might be. For example, a person involved in the scheme cannot profit from it by submitting a tip to investigators. Law enforcement officers are also prohibited from recovering an award because they are legally obligated to report any wrongdoing. A Columbia pharmaceutical fraud lawyer can answer questions about when these whistleblower claims are viable and guide you on the right path.

Contact a Pharmaceutical Industry Whistleblower Attorney in Columbia Today

If you have evidence of fraud in the drug industry, you can do the right thing and cooperate with the authorities. This cooperation can also lead to financial rewards thanks to the False Claims Act.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with a Columbia pharmaceutical industry whistleblower lawyer at Bill Nettles, Attorneys at Law, as soon as possible to learn more and secure the rewards you deserve.

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