The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for preserving the nation’s water, soil, and air. These regulators enforce laws governing how companies dispose of waste or pollute public spaces.

The unfortunate reality is that the EPA lacks the resources to police every major corporation. To catch polluters and hold them accountable, the EPA relies on the help of whistleblowers.

With the assistance of a dedicated whistleblower attorney, you could help in these efforts and potentially earn a monetary reward. Let a Lexington environmental regulation whistleblower lawyer advise you of your options today.

Options for Reporting Environmental Wrongdoing

A person with information regarding illegal pollution has the opportunity to report those details directly to the EPA. However, state-level regulators are also available and can assist with bringing the wrongdoer to justice. For example, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) oversees many of the same activities on the state level that the EPA addresses under federal law.

These organizations generally work together. If a citizen provides DHEC with a tip about a violation of the U.S. Clean Air Act, the state regulators will generally pass that information on to the federal level.

What is a Qui Tam Claim?

When a corporation engages in fraud or other falsehoods that damage the environment, the False Claims Act may come into play. Under it, a private citizen has the power to file a qui tam lawsuit. This type of legal action allows a whistleblower to recover a monetary award in some instances if the information they provide helps lead to a conviction.

In order for a reward to be offered, the information provided by a whistleblower and their Lexington environmental regulation attorney must result in some kind of administrative action or conviction. It also needs to include information not previously provided by another witness. In addition, these funds are not available to the investigation’s targets or law enforcement officials.

When these cases are successful, the plaintiff could recover a percentage of money recouped from the offender. Depending on the circumstances, they could recover as much as 30 percent of the total amount.

Protection from Employer Retaliation

Many whistleblowers ultimately inform their own employers during this process, and the federal government has tools available to protect them from retaliation. It is unlawful for an employer to fire, cut pay, or punish an employee for assisting the government with an investigation.

In cases of retaliation, a plaintiff can often secure reinstatement to their job and back pay. Depending on the circumstances, additional compensation may also be available. With the help of a lawyer in Lexington, it may be possible to serve as an environmental regulation whistleblower while retaining existing employment and job security. Schedule a consultation with Bill Nettles today to learn more.

Reach out to a Lexington Environmental Regulation Whistleblower Attorney for Legal Assistance Today

If you have information on environmental misdeeds you are considering reporting but are concerned about repercussions from your employer, now is the time to seek legal help.

A Lexington environmental regulation whistleblower lawyer could answer your questions concerning the process while protecting your rights. Call our law office today to speak with one of our seasoned attorneys and find out how we could assist you with your potential case.

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