Numerous construction projects are financed by state, local, and federal governments each year. Unfortunately, a significant number of these projects are marred by extensive fraud. If you possess information about the improper use of government funds, a committed whistleblower attorney is your best ally in filing a claim.
By providing information to the government, you could prevent fraudulent use of public funds and also qualify for a monetary reward. Let a Lexington construction contract fraud whistleblower lawyer review your case and answer any questions you might have.
When it comes to construction projects, the bidding process is crucial in determining who will ultimately be awarded the contract. Whichever contractor is able to do the job for the least amount of money will be selected, but they are expected to make a good-faith offer based on their ability to complete the project.
Fraud is a common occurrence during the bidding process. In certain instances, this could involve deliberately understating the expected costs to secure the lowest bid. When it is time to execute the work, the company can then demand additional funds by citing unexpected cost overruns.
Falsifying documents can also result in fraud. Contractors must meet specific qualifications to be eligible for these projects, and it is not uncommon for some to provide fake paperwork. This can occur when jobs held out for small businesses are secured by large companies using deception or misrepresentations.
The best vantage point for spotting these illegal acts is usually within the company. A construction contract fraud whistleblower attorney in Lexington could help an employee report this behavior to the regulators.
A primary reason people assist the government with a fraud investigation is to possibly obtain monetary compensation. They could be entitled to recover damages through a qui tam lawsuit. These claims allow private citizens to be financially rewarded if the information they provide to the authorities helps them secure a fraud conviction.
However, sharing vital details with the government is not enough. This evidence must be helpful in recovering fraudulently obtained funds, and the whistleblower cannot have a legal obligation to share these details, such as being a police officer. When compensation is available, it comes in the form of a percentage of the funds recouped by the government.
It is natural for a person to be concerned about possible retaliation when they assist with an investigation. The good news is that whistleblowers are protected under state and federal law.
It is unlawful for companies to demote, fire, or otherwise punish an employee who files a complaint or otherwise cooperates with a government investigation into fraudulent activity. Any act of retaliation could result in an award of back pay, reinstatement, or other remedies.
While it may not be realistic to remain anonymous indefinitely, a construction contract fraud lawyer in Lexington could help a whistleblower protect their identity. During this time, the government could review the information they have provided to determine whether they qualify for compensation.
If you are aware of fraudulent acts in the construction industry, coming forward could protect the public from misusing their tax money and make you eligible for a monetary reward. Schedule an initial consultation with a Lexington construction contract fraud whistleblower lawyer today to discuss your potential case.